tips for saving money in your print shop

Tips for saving time and money in your print shop

Tips for saving time and money in your print shop

As we all know, times are tough, and unfortunately, they will only get tougher as we enter winter. Many of us are worried about our businesses surviving with the cost of living and energy prices going up. Therefore, we have put our heads together to come up with plenty of tips and tricks to help you save money, time, resources, and energy when screen printing. Hopefully, you might make use of one or two and it will help ease the pressure.

Ink room

  • Use standard ink colours, and avoid spending time on mixing Pantone colours (unless the customer pays extra)
  • Use a quality white so you don’t have to print it more than twice
  • Use finer mesh counts where possible, especially when printing on underbases – this will decrease your ink usage.
  • Use an ink mixing system for accurate and fast matching of Pantone colours. This also prevents ink waste from over-mixing.
  • Order in bulk, we offer better deals on bulk buys saving up to 15%
  • Clean used buckets and reuse

Screen Room

  • Use an LED exposure unit rather than an old 3-phase unit, saves a heck of a lot of electricity!
  • Turn off fan heaters when not drying screens
  • Clean multiple of screens at a time not just one at a time
  • Use a dip tank for reclaiming screens. This saves time and labour, plus it’s far better for the environment.
  • Use efficient screen processing chemicals. This will prevent downtime on-screen breakdowns during print runs.
  • Use products that can do two jobs at once. For example, Easiway 701 cleans and removes stains saving both time and money.
  • Never use packing tape on screens takes MUCH longer to remove
  • Use the sun (if it’s out) to dry your screens
  • Top and tail your design on screens – you could potentially get up to four designs per screen

Print shop

  • Keep your print shop and equipment clean – this saves time on cleaning spoiled garments from ink marks or dirty hands.
  • If you can print, dry or cure garments outside of ‘normal’ working hours, the electricity is usually cheaper as it’s off-peak between 10 pm to 7 am
  • Be prepared and plan. Order in advance to prevent rush orders which saves on next-day postage
  • Turn your flash cure and dryer off when not using it’s a very expensive way to heat the printshop!
  • Plan your print shop layout. The better it flows the easier it will work.
  • Look after your machines, regular servicing and a few minutes of care at the end of the day will prevent downtime and costly repairs in the future.
  • Save time cleaning pallets and cover them with pallet mask instead.

On press

  • Use Tri-Lock pre-registration system, to set up multi-colour jobs in minutes!
  • Use water-based glue instead of spray tack, it’s cheaper to use but also will not damage your machine or lungs.
  • Use a spot cleaning gun to save garments marked garments
  • Cut up used T-shirts or misprints to use as cleaning cloths
  • If you’re not printing turn off all equipment

In General

  • Cross-train your staff so skills are shared throughout the print shop. Saves time in the long run if help is needed in other departments.
  • Pay your staff what they are worth, it takes about 6 months for a new employee to settle in which is 6 months of you teaching and not doing your job!
  • Recycle where you can
  • Sign up and watch out for suppliers’ monthly deals and discount codes
  • Automate where possible, machines don’t take time off or holidays
  • Buy nice or buy twice, cheaper isn’t always the best route


Top tips on servicing and maintenance of your M&R machinery

Here are some top tips when it comes to parts and servicing/maintenance of you Screen Printing equipment.

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Why buy M&R

Why buy M&R from Screen Print World?

M&R is the largest manufacturer of screen printing equipment in the world, they have been manufacturing and developing screen print equipment since 1985. They have a wide range of print presses both graphic and textile, although they concentrate more on textile equipment. M&R manufacture equipment for all aspects of the screen print production, from pre-press to post press. As a company they are focused on streamlining the printing process and making your print shop more efficient.

The legendary reliability an continued support of M&R presses ensure that the presses run with almost indestructible continuity. We have an established network of M&R print shops in the UK and it is not uncommon to come across 20 year old presses which are still producing and are reliable day after day. These presses are still sort after at this age and hold some value, which says a lot about their dependability. We regularly part-ex older presses when our clients upgrade to newer or larger presses as their businesses develops.

Simply put, maximising efficiency in a print shop enables the business to concentrate on delivering quality finished printed garments and maximising the production capacity of your print shop, increasing your daily production and making your print runs more profitable -which is after all why we are in business-to generate profit and maintain sustainable growth.

With M&R your choices are not limited to there wide range of legendary manual or automatic screen print presses and dryers, but they also include automated screen coating equipment, imaging units and screen reclaiming as well to maximising your post print efficiency in their fast automated folding and bagging solutions.

Another element to consider while choosing screen printing equipment should be the availability of service engineers, spares and an experienced pool of knowledge to assist with servicing quickly and efficiently. As UK agents for M&R, Screen Print World have trained in house service engineers to ensure that your equipment is at its best and running smoothly at all times. Here at SPW we have people within the business  who have run their own production facilities with M&R equipment and understand the daily pressures that busy print shops are face with. To use a well known phrase, we really have;

“Been there and got the T-shirt”

As the evolution of print continues to shape and push the industry, M&R have not been confined to developing just the screen print processes. They have developed DTG systems that offer unparalleled speed and efficiency, both on stand alone DTG systems, or with the Digital Squeegee. This market leading DTG now combines the speed of automated print production with full colour hi-res digital print onto light or dark garments without the need for costly pre-press treatment. Check out the latest additions, the POLARIS, an industrial high speed direct to garment printing system.

M&R clearly understand what is required to maximise efficiency and give the printer ultimate control in all aspects of any print job that you may be faced with. M&R equipment has been engineered and refined over many years, by people who understand print and with the print process in mind. Whether manual or automatic, the M&R press will enable the printer every opportunity to set up a print job and ensure that you are able to replicate the best possible result, consistently and throughout your print run. Working with M&R, you are assured that you will have the continuity of a production platform that compliments your desire to be profitable and productive, all day, every day.

Our door is always open if you want to discuss setting up a business, jumping into your first auto, buying your second, or if you just want to chat about your plans and see what might be suitable for you. We are happy to discuss any ideas, feel free to give us a call on 01562 829 009 or send us an email at

Top Tips for Using Water Based Ink

Top tips for using water based ink from the team at Screen Print World

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Is screen printing messy

Is Screen Printing messy?

Screen Printing is only as messy as you make it.

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Install at Sea Dog Print Studio

We have worked with Sea Dog Print Studio for a white now, supplying both screen print machinery and consumables. We are proud to announce the success of another install at their print studio. This time a Diamondback R 6 colour.

Sea Dog Print Studio are based in Portsmouth, so we sent Kris (Screen Print Engineer) on a journey with all the equipment to make sure everything arrived on time and safely.

Once Kris got there he had the task of getting the machinery up to floor one, thankfully there was a goods lift, else this would have been a complicated install!

Once in, Kris set up and installed the machine without an issue. To accompany the Diamondback, Stu from Sea Dog purchased a used compressor to allow the diamondback to function automatically.

This will be a great new addition for Sea Dog Print Studio, it will allow the team to meet the large demand they already have for screen printed goods. In addition, it will also enable them to increase output further as they now have the capacity to do so.

​The differences in screen printing mesh count?

When looking at screens for screen printing you may notice two different numbers for the same screen. These are UK and US types of measurements. In the UK, the ‘T count’ refers to the number of threads per centimetre. In the US, the number refers to the number of threads per inch. As it’s based on a larger area, the US number is always higher.

A quick note, mesh will either be yellow or white in colour. The difference here is that the yellow mesh absorbs more light compared to white mesh. It stops light scattering, therefore helping expose intricate details in designs.

A little reminder. Different mesh counts will hold different amounts of emulsion, this is due to the size difference in the holes and variation in thread thickness on coarser mesh counts. Therefore a lower mesh count will hold a higher amount of emulsion. But don’t worry, the difference isn’t extreme. You may just need to change up exposure times ever so slightly to allow for the amount of emulsion on the screen. More emulsion on the screen, means longer exposure times

Now, let’s discuss the differences in the most commonly used mesh counts.

UK 32T / US 80

  • Low mesh count.
  • Useful for printing bold designs as it allows more ink to be pushed through the screen.
  • Used for specialist inks such as Glitter or Flakes (this allows the larger particles to be deposited on the substrate)
  • Most suited to paper printing, does NOT always give the best result on fabric

What ink can I use with 32T/80 mesh?

  • Specialty inks
  • White plastisol
  • Low bleed
  • Poly inks

UK 43T / US 110

  • The most commonly used mesh
  • Ideal for printing bold/solid designs on fabric
  • Lay down a moderate deposit of ink
  • Perfect for printing an under base
  • Use with either waterbased or plastisol ink

What ink can I use with 43T/110 mesh?

  • Specialty inks
  • Standard plastisol
  • White plastisol
  • Low bleed
  • Poly inks
  • Glow in the dark
  • Standard Waterbased
  • Hybrid Wasterbased
  • Discharge ink

UK 55T / US 140

  • Perfect for printing on fabric when a little more detail is required

What ink can I use with 55T/140 mesh?

  • Specialty inks
  • Standard plastisol
  • White plastisol
  • Low bleed
  • Poly inks
  • Glow in the dark
  • Hybrid Wasterbased
  • Discharge ink

UK 62T / US 156

  • This is a medium mesh count
  • Good for printing a fine detail or halftone onto fabric.
  • Can be used when printing onto paper.

What ink can I use with 62T/156 mesh?

  • Standard plastisol
  • Standard waterbased
  • White plastisol
  • Low bleed
  • Poly inks
  • Glow in the dark
  • Hybrid Wasterbased
  • Discharge ink

UK 77T / US 196

  • Fantastic for finer detail
  • Good for printing on lightweight garments
  • Still good for printing on paper and card

What ink can I use with 77T/196 mesh?

  • Standard plastisol
  • Standard waterbased
  • White plastisol
  • Low bleed
  • Poly inks
  • Glow in the dark
  • Hybrid Wasterbased
  • Discharge ink

UK 90T / US 230

  • The most common mesh used for printing higher detailed designs
  • Great for top layer prints, leaving behind a thinner coat of ink
  • Use for both fabric and paper printing
  • Use when printing on delicate fabrics
  • Used for when you need a soft hand feel
  • Great when printing discharge inks

What ink can I use with 90T/230 mesh?

  • Standard plastisol
  • Standard waterbased
  • White plastisol
  • Poly inks
  • Hybrid Waterbased
  • Solvent Based Graphic Inks

UK 120T / US 305

  • The ultimate for printing finer details
  • Use for printing halftones and small-sized text
  • More control over the ink deposit
  • Mainly used for graphic printing

What ink can I use with 120T/305 mesh?

  • Standard plastisol
  • Solvent Based Graphic Inks

Now you know what screen mesh you need for the job, head to our online shop to purchase.

​How to speed up your print production – Pallet Mask Applicator

If you haven’t come across it before, we would like to introduce you to the Pallet Mask Applicator. Who’s whole purpose is to speed up print production, whether you use the on or off press model.

The On Press Pallet Mask Applicator enables you to apply the tape while your pallet on still on the press. And you guessed it…the Off Press Pallet Mask Applicator means you need to take the pallet off the press then apply the tape.

Using the on-press pallet applicator can help you change the pallet mask in under 20 seconds! As shown in this video by our wonderful helper and screen printing expert, Nick.

If you want to increase your production efficiency, use this simple piece of kit to make your pallet mask application a breeze.

For the off-press model, we would recommend that you secure it to a sturdy surface to limit movement and make your job even easier. Secure the applicator by drilling holes or clamps, both will work just fine.

Next, mount the roll onto the system, then the pallet, and lock it in. Peel off the used paper, then you’re ready to apply the new pallet mask. Make sure you let it hang over the edges by at least an inch. Cut the top on the paper to separate it from the roll, tuck the excess in and under the pallet to make sure the tape is secure. For the best application use a manual roller squeegee to smooth it over, unlock the pallet and you’re good to go.

The pallet applicator is suitable for M&R pallets and only requires one size roll (24”). Pallet mask applicator is available for other presses on request

To purchase, please head to the product page, contact us on 01562 820009 or drop us a message on live chat.

NEW VS. OLD: Screen Cleaning and Diptanks

Screen cleaning has evolved alot over the years..and with the invention of diptanks it has never been easier to clean screens. The old process is still well used today in printshops.. Cleaning using harsh chemicals in a 5-6 step process, However diptanks allow print shops to cut their costs and labour by up to 50% so it’s not hard to see why they are so popular. Not only cut costs/labour, But to also streamline the process making it less time consuming when it comes to cleaning at the end of the day. 

One of the main advantages of diptanks is the amount of chemical used. Once you have filled your tank, That same chemical will continue to work for several months without the need of it being changed. No more buying chemicals each month. The diptank does all the work for you when it comes to stripping emulsion and degreasing a screen as our Easiway Supra does both in one go. Just simply dip and wash out in a washout booth. You can also dip multiple screens at one time. Our smaller diptank that comes in the starter kit can fit up to 3 screens efficiently, allowing the perfect time frame for rotation whilst your other screens are in the tank. 

The below video from Easiway shows the simple process of cleaning screens using a diptank. 

For more information on Diptanks and screen cleaning, Give us a call on 01562829009 or email


New products have been hitting the shelves in February…. Heres the lastest in the NEW IN section

SAATI Screen Adhesive


Screen adhesive by SAATI – two-component, low-viscosity frame adhesive for High Mesh Tension screens and fast drying requirements. It has excellent chemical resistance and adhesion to all commonly used screen frames. Its low viscosity makes it most suitable for finer mesh counts. Drying time before can be cut away from stretcher is approximately 5 minutes.


Disposable gloves

Staying clean is an important part of maintaining an organised printshop, so when it comes to an ink room, disposable gloves are an essential. We’ve recently added these disposable gloves to our PPE range – they are 100% recyclable, latex free, powder free and accelerator free!