Spot On Plastisol Inks
Our very own range of Spot on Plastisol Inks have been specially selected to offer your print-shop a varied range of standard and specialist products that cover all possible print jobs. We have a press ready range of inks that will not hurt your pocket and perform beyond your needs.
Our Spot on range of Plastisol’s are phthalate and heavy metal free, and offer superb handle and elasticity once cured. Plastisol Inks are able to be printed on a wide range of fabrics, offer exceptional colour brightness and wet on wet printability.
We have a range of Spot on white inks that will suit almost any application, from standard under base white inks, to low bleed white for those difficult garments that suffer from dye migration.
To complement our Spot On range of plastisol inks we have a range of additives and cleaning consumables.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch by phone on 01562 829 009, Email or on our Webchat.
To complement our Spot On range of plastisol inks we have a range of additives and cleaning consumables.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch by phone on 01562 829 009, Email or on our Webchat.
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