Top tips on servicing and maintenance of your M&R machinery

Here are some top tips when it comes to parts and servicing/maintenance of you Screen Printing equipment.

  • KEEP YOUR MANUAL! A lot of people discard it or lose it. However, it’s a very important document to keep.
  • When ordering a part we will need to know the serial number of the machine and the part number of the part you require, this makes the process a lot quicker and easier. Photos and Videos also help. This information can be found in the owner’s manual.
  • In your manual you’ll also have a maintenance schedule. This schedule tells you what needs doing and when, every 6/12/24/36 months. If you follow the advice given, you will reduce the chance of any downtime.
  • Keep a record of equipment services and maintenance. We do advise that you get staff to note and sign when any maintenance is carried out.
  • Don’t over use your emergency stop. A lot of people use this as a way to stop the machine. Overuse may cause it to fail, so please use it for emergencies only.
  • As always, keep your machine well lubricated. Top up with correct grease and oil regularly to prevent down time, and get a yearly service!
  • Consider service and support contracts. We have the ability to tailor service contracts to you, services costs will depend on the amount of machines being serviced and the type of machine it is.
  • It may be worth considering keeping a small inventory of parts to save elongated down-time, after all downtime costs you money
  • Put by time in your working week to keep the press clean and free of glue, lint, fluff and any other bit flying around the print shop. The cleaner and more looked after the press is, the longer it will last. We still have presses running 25 years+.
  • Don’t forget your compressor, you must always service your compressor too and it’s imperative that you use a chiller to remove water that could ruin your new press and void the warranty.
  • With regards to DTG equipment ensure you empty the waste tanks.
  • If you’re ever unsure of anything, please ask we are here to help and keep you printing.

If you need any more information please don’t hesitate to contact us by email or phone.

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