Ultramix 7500 Series Inks are a pantone mixing system from International Coatings which is an extremely accurate pantone referenced colour mixing system straight out of the United States – it is available in either 1kg or 1 US Gallon packs.
International Coatings Plastisol Inks are all phthalate free and by using the Ultramix Pantone® Colour Formulator, you can accurately mix up pantone colours in house. The Ultramix formulator is a great management tool which allows batch estimation as well as costing and customised recipe collation.
Ultramix colours are well suited for fine detail and halftone printing using finer mesh counts. The Ultramix 7500 Series inks will spot dry with a very low after flash tack and can be easily used on Automatic or Manual Presses. Using an Underbase/Flash white when printing onto dark fabrics will give best results.
- Accurate Pantone colours
- Bright colours.
- Good washing resistance.
- Wet on wet printability.
To obtain best results use decent tension screens 34T/(80) to 90T/(230) both for manual printing and automatic presses – best results with a sharp squeegee blade.
- Curable reducer. (Ink thinner)
- Soft hand base. (for softer prints on lighter shade garments)
- Puff Additive.(for raised prints)
- Low cure additive (reduce temperature of curing )
- Dull/SUEDE additive
Clean up
Please use Easisolv 842 , Easiolv 701, Stinky Screen Wash or Franmar, please dispose of any cleaning consumables in a safe manner and use the correct PPI.
Plastisol will be fully cured at 165°C. Printed garments need to be passed through a quality dryer and the ink film needs to reach the desired temperature to be fully fused, variables such as garment thickness and colour, ink deposit and operating climate will need to be taken into account when setting your oven parameters. Always wash test production to ensure prints are adequately cured.
More information.
If you would like more information then please give us a call on 0044 (0) 1562 829009 or use our Webchat or Email
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