4 Easy steps For Coating Screens
Step 1
The first step in the screen coating process is to mix the Emulsion. Top tip ,always pre mix your emulsion preferably the night before as this gives air bubbles a chance to settle and preventing pin holes in your coated screen.
Why use a Scoop coaters?
A scoop coater, there are two sides to a scoop coater a thin side and a slightly thicker side. The thin side is used for fine screen mesh and the thicker side is for courser mesh as it puts down more emulsion.
Step 2
Take your pre mixed emulsion an pour it in to your scoop coater, not too much, just enough to coat 2 or 3 screens, if you over fil the coater this tends to spill.
Step 3
Coat the inside of the screen first, start 5cm up the inside of the screen. Tilt your coater and place a gentle even pressure all the way up your screen.
Flip your screen and repeat this process, this is called a wet coat.
Step 4
Next is your final coat, this time don’t tilt your coater the aim with this coat is to push all the emulsion through the screen, so the emulsion gathers on the back.
Leave your screen to dry in a drying cabinet for 20 minutes.
You can also watch a video of Dave Roper Screen Print World CEO Showing you how its done
For more information on screen printing please do not hesitate in contacting us on 01562 829009 or email one of our experts at nick@screenprintworld.co.uk