Screen Chem Catalyst One-component hardener to increase chemical and mechanical resistance and makes the photo emulsion permanent. It increases chemical/mechanical resistances for long production runs or screens which are needed to store for multiple runs.
On perfectly dry screen that has been developed after exposure and using a sponge or a soft brush apply the catalyst over the entire surface of the screen, completely and uniformly on both sides. Leave the screens to dry horizontally at room temperature. Ideally, hardened screens are ready for use after 12 hours drying at room temperature.
Pot life
If stored in its original container at a temperature between 15 and 25°C SCREEN – CHEM CATALYST will preserve its features for at least 1 year from the date of the production. It is always better to test the performance of the product before starting the application. Please see data sheet below.
More information.
If you would like more information then please give us a call on 0044 (0) 1562 829009 or use our Webchat or Email
Safety Data and Technical sheets:
Sam Fyahfly –
Works like a charm. This stencil isn’t going anywhere!