The Easiway Screen Perfect Degreaser is a ready to use liquid which provides a revolutionary, radical approach to preparing mesh for emulsion coating and film application. This unique combination of water based polymeric components will simply eliminate many of the common problems experienced in screen imaging. This product is available in Quarts or US Gallons. Screen Perfect Degreaser can be diluted up to 1:20 with water.
Why is degreasing important?
- Pinholes and fish eyes are eliminated.
- Photo Emulsion is more durable on degreased screens.
- Thick and thin spots on emulsion coated screens will disappear.
- Screens look and feel smoother.
- Print life is extended.
- Screens develop easily with cleaner edges and better detail after exposure.
Make sure your screen is clean of any ink, emulsion or other contaminants. Screen Perfect can be diluted as much as 1:20 with water. Before applying mixture, rinse your screen with water, and apply the mixture to both sides of the screen and using a brush or pad, scrub the product into both side3s of the reclaimed screen, then rinse well with clean water and leave to dry.
More information
If you would like more information then please give us a call on 0044 (0) 1562 829009 or use our Webchat or Email
Technical information and the safety data sheets
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