Perfect for the screen printing environment, this mastic remover will remove tack spray and pallet glue without any problems. Formerly known as: Franmar BEAN-e-doo Mastic Remover Removes Asbestos/Black Mastic, Vinyl Glue, Ceramic Mastic, Traditional Carpet Adhesives Virtually No Odour Less Than 3% VOC Made with 100% Soybeans GHS Compliant. 500MR removes newer mastics, layered adhesives and even glues 50+ years old, using the power of soybeans. It’s the first product to pass both performance and environmental safety test by the USPS for the removal of mastic containing asbestos! Contractors find that 500MR works more efficiently, saves time, and helps create a safer restoration site compared to traditional hazardous chemical mastic removers.
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