Available in 2 matierals:
- Aluminium – more affordable option
- Stainless – More durability
The Squeegee Cleaner will make cleaning your manual or automatic squeegees easier than ever. Simply insert the squeegee between the brushes and slowly turn the handle. The scrubbing action of the quad-brush formation will clean the dirtiest squeegees in seconds. The Squeegee Cleaner’s metal construction will allow for a lifetime of squeegee cleaning and will resist almost any solvent that is used. The drip spouts located on each side of the Squeegee Cleaner allows for collection containers to be placed at each end for capturing any solvent that drips from the ends of your squeegees. The universal size of the Squeegee Cleaner allows for any length squeegee to be cleaned with ease. No more scrubbing over a sink or wash out booth, The squeegee cleaner can free up your valuable time!
Available with lids suitable to fit M&R, MHM and Roq Automatic Machines. Main box comes with no lid, however it can be purchased with storage lid. All squeegees can be cleaned being hand held however we would suggest using the lid for ease of cleaning auto squeegees.
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