A biodegradable screen degreaser for preparing screens that are going to be coated with Photoemulsion. This helps with adhesion of emulsion especially after cleaning with de-hazers or ghost image removers.
To apply: This can be sprayed onto a uncoated reclaimed screen using a spray bottle. Scrub on with a dedicated brush and agitate well on both sides of the screen. Wash off with water until all foam is gone. Screen can be coated once dry.
Step By Step Reclaiming A Screen With Spot On
Step 1 – Emulsion removal.
Product: Spot On Stencil Strip or Spot on stencil strip gel
Step 2 – Ghost image removal. (if required)
Product: Spot On De Haze
Step 3 – Degrease.
Product: Spot on Degreaser
Note: For new screens being prepared for coating for the first time, Spot On New Mesh Prep is advised to prepare the screen prior to coating.
More information.
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