The Must have Secret Weapon for Screen Reclaiming!


The Easiway Dip Tank system is the most efficient way of streamlining and systemising your screen reclaim department in your screen-room. It is trouble free, cost-effective and allows you to prevent the mess and avoid the tedious job that is normally associated with the scrubbing of traditional screen reclaiming products. It also contains the process and prevents the waste of your screen reclaim chemistry allowing you to get your screens ready for recoating in a few very simple steps.

Nick Walker, Screen Print Worlds resident Screen Printing expert suggests a few basic points to adhere to, in order to help you get the best out of your Dip Tank and Dip Tank Chemistry.


  • Place your tank in the correct location as close to your wash booth as possible to allow easy access to the pressure washer and avoid having to carry wet screens across your screen room. Also, once it’s full it’s heavy, so you don’t want to have to move it once it’s full. 
  • Fill your tank to approximately halfway to two thirds with water BEFORE adding the Easiway Supra (the reason for this is if you add the Supra first it foams quite a lot when you add the water) 
  • Add the required amount of Supra to the tank – there is a chart in the brochure outlining the ratios, but we recommend 1:7, which would be 5 gallons in a 37 gallon tank or 2 gallons in a 14 gallon tank. This should give you a mix that should soften your screens in about 2 minutes. You can mix at 1:5 which will extend that time, or at 1:10 which will speed it up. 
  • Once you’ve added the Supra top up your tank with water to about ½ an inch below the lip of the tank to allow for the level to rise slightly when you submerge the screen/screens. 
  • Leave the tank for a couple of hours to allow the distribution of the Supra in the tank.


  • Once you have finished your print run, scrape off as much excess ink from the screen as possible and remove all the tape – it is not necessary to thoroughly clean the screen before it is submerged, but scrape as much off as you can. 
  • Submerge your screens for 1-3 mins depending on your mix of Supra (1:7 should be at about 2 mins) You will find two nylon rods and holes in the lip of the tank – these rods push through the holes to keep the screens submerged in the tank. 
  • What you are looking for is the emulsion and ink to be soft but not falling off in the tank – you can rub your finger on the emulsion and you should see the emulsion moving. NB: If the emulsion is falling off in the tank you’ve left it too long. 
  • Place the screens in the Wash Booth and pressure wash them to blast off the soft ink and emulsion. 
  • Once the Emulsion is off the screen, you will then scrub the screen on both sides with Easisolv 701 – This will remove the stain from the mesh as well as degrease the mesh in one process. 
  • Repeat pressure rinse to clear the stain. 
  • You can now leave your screens to dry and they will be ready to coat for the next job.


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Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on 01562 829009 or at

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