screen printing

Tag Archive for: screen printing

How long do silk screens last for when screen printing?

If screens are taken care of properly, they can last forever! Especially true of retensionable screens as you will be able to retension them and tighten them as necessary, making them as good as new!

The more prints you do it will gradually loosen the mesh, however we are talking about prints in the thousands here. The recommended tension of a screen is 15 newtons.

You should embrace the following practices to increase screen longevity:

  • Clean them carefully and thoroughly after each print job.
  • Reclaim them as soon as is practical. (removing old emulsion can be difficult).
  • For long term storage of unused wooden screens, store them in airtight containers (such as heavy bin bags) because wooden screen frames can warp from humidity.
  • Most importantly, handle all screens with great care. Once you get a rip or tear in the mesh, the longevity of the screen will decrease substantially. To increase the life of screens with small mesh tears, tape over the ripped portion with durable screen tape.

See our High Tension Frames section to purchase retensionable screens.

What is the difference between yellow and white screen mesh?

Yellow mesh absorbs more light compared to white mesh, and stops light scattering, therefore helping expose intricate details.

You will normally find yellow mesh on mesh counts of 90t onwards, as these are the screens you use for finer detailed prints.

Yellow mesh can also be known as dyed mesh.

Yellow mesh takes slightly longer to expose.




When is it Time to Automate?

Read more about the best time to Automate your machinery and upgrade your current equipment. Also, find out what else needs to be considered in doing so.

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Christmas Opening Times

Last orders 1:30pm Friday 21st December
Select Next Day for pre-Christmas delivery
Any that select free delivery or 3-5 day delivery will be sent but risk not being delivered before Christmas.

We will then be closed as of Friday 21st December for the festive period
Reopening at 8:30am Wednesday 2nd January

All orders placed over the festive period while we are not in the office will be sent on 2nd January.

If you have any delivery queries please email

London Print Service purchase Thermotron FX23

We are delighted to have work with London Print Service to provide them with their garment folder. It’s a perfect little machine if you’re short on space. Read more on the story from Images Magazine about London Print Services purchase of the Thermotron FX23.

Click here or click on the image to read the full article.

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Printing White ink on Black garments

Service Contracts for Screen Printing Equipment

Want to play a game?!

Everyone loves a bit of Halloween, whether it’s the going to whole mile and dressing up or just eating your kids sweets after they’ve done the hard work Trick or Treating. So, if you want to earn your own sweets this Halloween we’ve got a game just for you!

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Screen Printing Tips: How to reclaim a screen and remove the emulsion.

By using the Easiway Easisolve 500 Emulsion Remover you can remove emulsion with ease. This is the lowest cost emulsion remover on the market and the only concentrate…

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Screen Printing Tips: How to remove a stain

Here Dave shows you how to get rid of stains in the screen printing mesh. It’s a really simple process, but listen carefully. The product used here is Easiway 415 Stain and Haze remover.…

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