printing on dark garments

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5 Tips to Prevent Dye Migration, While Printing on to Polyester.

Dye migration is a real nightmare for printers when screen printing on to the dreaded polyester!

So what causes dye migration you ask? It is a result of the dyes in the fabric becoming wet and active again. This happens when exposed to excessive amounts of heat from flash cures and screen print dryers.

During the drying/heating process of screen printing, the migration tends to bleed through your screen printed design. This usually happens when block lettering on a sports garment like a football shirt and will turn the nice bright white lettering on a polyester football shirt pink! This can take 24 hours to happen so the effect may not be immediately after coming off the dryer, so please beware!

  1. Use a good dye blocking white, grey or even black in some cases such as our range of Dye Block Inks.
  2. Flash the base Colours, just touch dry as little heat as possible.
  3. Make sure the dryer is running accurate and don’t not over cure on the final cure.
  4. Do not stack the garments high after the print as they will retain the heat.
  5. Always test the garment prior to print at least first 24 hrs. prior to printing the order.

If you want to prevent dye migration while screen printing, Our range of Dye Block Inks are a great option! You can find out more by visiting our website, or if you would prefer to chat to one of our experienced team you can get in touch on;

01562 829009 or email



Printing White ink on Black garments